70/1, Privolnaya str.
If you have any questions contact us by e-mail or by phone:
+7 (495) 722-95-05 info@promvishivka.ru
Our social media:

Embroidery customers

Our client base includes a wide variety of companies such as atelier and wedding stores, the fashion world, advertising agencies and production companies, schools and educational establishments, sports teams, department stores, bars and restaurants, fitness clubs and beauty salons, school dance, security companies, armed forces, political parties, auto salons, auto- moto- and aero-clubs, and many other.

Audi Mercedes KFC Mitsubishi Red Bull Martini Bangkok airways Hard Rock cafe Shell
Canon William Lawson's Abbyy Diner Аlpari FIAT Honeywell Vaillant John Deere
Mazda Friday's Рhilips Hortex Nitro Circus Peugeot Barkli Сomputer bild Dewars
Mobil1 Moroccanoil Pepsico Revlon Thomas Munz Burger King Нестле Moet Chandon Lays Max

Who else orders contract embroidery:

Service industry
Banks and accountants
Bars and restaurants
Logistics companies
Stores and hypermarkets
Hotels and guest houses
Construction companies
Travel agencies
Embroidery for business
Media and printers
Health centres
Animals and veterinarians
Schools and gymnasium
Universities and colleges
Sports clubs
Football patches
Martial arts
Fitness clubs

Fashion and style
Tailoring companies and designers
Beauty salons
Wedding stores
Furniture salons
Patches for the clothes
Fashion embroidery
Auto salons and motorists
Bikers and biker clubs
Entertainment and relax
Flying club and pilot schools
Clubs and circles
Cultural institutions
Musicians and musical groups
Fans of movies, TV shows, games
Individual embroidery
Patches on the back.
Various patches
Embroidery for children
Security forces
Security forces:
Russian chevrons
Military chevrons
Chevrons of other countries
Soviet Union chevrons
Novorossia chevrons
USA chevrons
Chevrons and their types
Police chevrons
MES chevrons
FSB chevrons
Federal Penal Correction Service chevrons
Private security companies
Military-sports games:
Paintball teams
Laser tag teams
Strikeball teams
Hardball teams

Универмаг на Цветном Maximum Gazgolder Русские вертолётные системы Белояр Paninter Sochi Autodrom HeadHunter Starduck
Aerodin Автомир Vmware Komilfo Субару Микоян Favorit-auto Wellness park Cacaolat
Megogo.net Империя Пиццы Ourson Ресторация Сокол Arrow Media Шоколадница Адамас Donat
Аuto Сhip Эскадрилья Колибри Сuba libre Давс Добрынинская кондитерская фабрика Газпром МТС Сбербанк
Niks Doors Stelmas МХПИ Flashin' Миас Мебель МВД Аэрофлот Ашан Beeline
Строй Медиа Мясная империя Сити Энерго Серебряный дождь Delfin Group Mystery Electronics Favorit Taxi Хоккейный клуб Мурман Skycon
Raw Jenua Beaute Аэротакси Автоэнергомаш TexЛайн Мираторг Alvisa Sebo Золотая кукуруза
Jean Jaco Клумба La Ферма Клуб Белый медведь Кафе Мишки Мойдодыр Montalto Некрасовка парк Sparta Finans
Vklube Pilot TV Pulse Telecom Ram Truck Roller Club RusAutoLack Salton Селигер 2014 ЕвроСибОйл
Спортклуб РЭУ имени Плеханова Русский стандарт Планета суши Veduchi Avshar Club Blaser Бочка Boy Cut Доброфлот
Grand Trade Heliport-Moscow Hyperlook Олимпиада Сочи 2014 Елена Крыгина LancerX club Mary Jane Boy Cut Persona lab
Фонд Алины Кабаевой МГУ Москва 24 Телеканал Россия Roy Castle Студия Союз Store77 Sunprof Lufthansa
Western digital WUKF 21 Shop Autococke Club Babysteptv Bar&Grill Harley БК Олимп Роснефть Castrol
Chop-Chop Бар Гадкий Койот Домострой Бар Dyxless Exxon Mobil Fitness Division Forte Bello General Motors Ginza Project
Hella ХК Рязань Irfix IT-professional John Cooper Works Knife Factory Дом моды Ксении Князевой Leraton shop Lidtech
Motolife Одноклассники Polarus RDRC РостАгроКомплекс Royal Flight Русский бриллиант Русские сезоны Сахалин1
Mail.ru Экспедиция Hoodie Buddie Моя планета EKA Москредбанк Евроконтракт TechnoNikol СК Лион
Квас Очаковский Agro Lider ПромФинСтрой Мострансбанк In-Eco Octafluid ВВС Новороссии World Skills Сколково GolfClub
Радио Energy Азбука вкуса Связной travel Caverion Горький cafe Матч! Shinglas X5-RetailGroup Слетать
S7 Tuborg Уральские пельмени Carls Mega X-fit Reebok Heineken Levi's

Promvishivka. Professionally. Individually. Qualitatively.

of working
Special offers
Worldwide shipping
Embroidery as a present
Summer embroidery